Saturday, July 30, 2011

A Little Inconvenience

Well.  This has been the longest break from blogging that I have taken since I started back in mid May.  I’ve missed it.  And I’ve missed my readership – all 8 of them.  (jk. lol.   There are actually 11 people that read my blog.  Including my mom and dad.)  So, my apologies to my wide readership.

But trust me.  I’ve been a bit pre-occupied.  A little busy.

A little 5-day trip to Doernbechers Children’s Hospital.  For my 16 year old to have her little back surgery.

Her little 11inch incision.

(In case you were wondering, our family is, indeed, competing this year in the Baker family “Most Gruesome Scar of the Year” contest.  So far, my husband is losing. But my daughter seems to be winning the “How Fast Can I Grow During a 4 Hour Surgery” award.  Yep.  Almost an inch and a half.)

So my last 2 ½ weeks have been a little full.  And a little exhausting.  And a little painful.   And a little disruptive. For our whole family.  (I lie. There has been no “little” about any of these things.  But you knew that.)  Our family’s year has felt like being in a boxing ring and this is (oh please, let it be, dear Lord!) the final round for now.  Seems like the punches feel worse the more fatigued we become.

Here is my standard (and truthful) answer to how Lizzie is doing:  “The surgery was hugely successful.  The doctor is thrilled with the outcomes.  The recovery process is brutal.” 

We are grateful to have it behind us. 
We are grateful for her excellent recovery.
We are grateful.

1 comment:

  1. As one of the 11 (or did you forget about me and now must make it 12), I'd like to officially say, "Nice to hear from you."

    That's MARVELOUS about Lizzie surgery!

    And yes, I understood 'little' to be classic understatement.
